CINCHONA – A gateway between crude drugging and dynamic dosing.

CINCHONA – A gateway between crude drugging and dynamic dosing. N.O. RUBIACEAE ( Ipecac, Coffea ) Today we will take up study of Cinchona , a strong medicinal plant having multiple alkaloids ( Quinine, Quinidine, Cinchonine, Cinchonidine, Quinamine, Quinic acid, Cincho – tannic acid, Quinovic acid ) and abused by crude drugging in different forms…

Tuberculinum – study and application in homoeopathy

Today we will take up the study of TUBERCULINUM , a most frequently used Nosode of immense value prepared from multiple sources ( aviary, bovine, human etc.) if applied justifiably in proper time as an intercurent, in the beginning or. complementing medicine to a speedy recovery according to the law of similia although having no…