Arnica Montana uses In homeopathy

Arnica Montana is one of the most commonly used medicines in Homeopathy and is a wonderful remedy That was used For ages.  

In this article, we will briefly describe arnica, its uses, side effects, and a lot more. So, let’s get ready to dive deeper into the world of this remedy.

Arnica is used in the following areas ::::

  • Works on injuries of various kinds – bruises, shock, jarring, labor, overwork, sprains, etc. 
  • It works on injuries caused by blunt instruments. 
  • It works on Pains after extracting the teeth 
  • Helps in controlling  epistaxis or nose bleed, 
  • Eructation tasting of bad eggs
  • also works on conjunctival or retinal hemorrhage, with extravasation, from injuries or cough.

When arnica 30  is used?

  1. According to the creator of homeopathy, Master Hahnemann, arnica 30 should be used for internal use only. You can take it in the form of globules, tablets or mixed with water. (source: Dr. M.L TYLER – HOMOEOPATHIC DRUG PICTURE)
  2. This delusion is best where the injury is old and applying arnica mother tincture is not possible. 
  3. It is used in all kinds of trauma, which are caused by blunt instruments, or any type of injury when there is no extravasation of blood seen. 
  4. It is also useful in cases of apoplexy(cerebrovascular accident or CVA or brain stroke), loss of consciousness, involuntary evacuation of bowels and urine, 
  5. It is also useful in an acute conditions where it can help to stop the blood and is useful in the absorption of blood. 
  6. Sometimes arnica is seen to have a wonderful effect on paralysis ( mainly left side ), with pulse full, strong, stertor, sighing, and muttering. 

Arnica Montana ointment uses

please consult any good physician before taking any remedy. Use arnica Montana where there is no blood that comes out of the skin, only blood clots, with or without dark-colored clots. Arnica montana ointment should be applied on that part after carefully cleaning the injured area. You can always use arnica 30 after that to follow up on the treatment. Diluted potency will work internally to heal you better.

arnica Montana hair oil benefits and uses

arnica Montana is used in various diseases related to hair, like psoriasis of the scalp, and eczema.

sometimes our hair produces extra oil than is needed. so arnica hair oil gets rid of that excess oil and in turn makes the hair look natural, shiny, and healthy.

is arnica hair oil good for your hair?

we always recommend that unless you tried natural methods and failed, then only try these medicated shampoos or hair oils.

arnica is seen to have a good effect if you are suffering from problems like hair falling, your hair splitting unnecessarily and your hair being dry most of the time.

Detailed uses of arnica Montana quoted by various authors for your research purpose

Synonyms: Leopard’s Bane

Source: it is a plant that grows in the mountains of the northern hemisphere.

Habitat & Description: It belongs to the natural order of composite. The stem is hairy with radical leaves and orange flowers. The root has a faintly aromate smell. The roots, leaves and full blown flowers are collected at the flowering time special care is taken to remove Arnica fly larvae as they are poisonous.

Preparation: The whole plant is used in the preparation of the mother

tincture. Potencies of higher denominations are prepared from the mother tincture

Proved by Dr. Hahnemann.



It is a CONSTITUTIONAL remedy for the following types of


1. Sanguine plethoric persons with very red faces and lively expressions.

2. Nervous persons who cannot bear the pain. 3. Persons who remain long impressed by even the slightest

mechanical injuries.

4. Apathetic persons who say “there is nothing the matter with him” even when he is seriously ill, send the doctor away and want to be left alone.

5. Patients: who worry and exaggerate trivial symptoms. 6. Patients: sullen morose, do not speak a word, do not want

to be talked to.

7. Patients: who are fearful but fear remains at night after an accident. (Fear persists day and night-Op).

8. Horror of instant death with cardiac distress at night.

It is a SPECIFIC remedy for the following conditions: 1. Bad effects of mechanical injury even of remote origin

2. Bruised pain, soreness, haemorrhage, and extravasation of blood. epistaxis after a fall or blow from a blunt weapon. 3. Concussion with stupor, meningitis, shock after head

injury (Nat s). 4. Black eye, retinal hemorrhage from a blow to the eye; or severe cough.

5. Apoplexy: helps in the absorption of blood after Op high. 6. Paralysis: left-sided with pulse full and strong: sighing. muttering and stertorous breathing; with unconsciousness.

7. Gout of the great toe: with great fear of being touched or stuck by a person coming near him.

8. Prevents post-partum hemorrhage and puerperal

complications if given just after delivery.

9. Hypertrophy of the heart from heart strain and overwork. 10. Retention of urine from injuries or constant dribbling of urine after labour.

DOSAGE: In all recent affections it may be given in lower potencies, but for the remote effects of injury we must ascend the region of infinitesimals. (Hughes). In lower potencies, Arnica is a tonic and stimulant for the depressed, apathetic,

rheumatic, gouty, maniac, and melancholic states. Higher potencies are found useful in “Nausea and vomiting with disgust for food, diarrhea and dysentery (Underwood).

REPETITION: To be repeated in recent injuries till a favorable response is noticed. For injuries long ago single dose of higher e.g. 200 C. In apoplexy lower potencies must be repeated for some days.


COMPLEMENTARY REMEDIES: Acon, Ipec, Verat a, Hep s. Hyper, Rhus t REMEDIES THAT PRECEDE WELL: Acon, Apts, Ham, Ipec, Verat a, Op in cerebral accidents.

REMEDIES THAT FOLLOW WELL: Bell, Bry, Calc c, Calad, Cact, Cham, Chin Con, Ruta, Sul ac.

ARTIDOTES: Camph, Cic, Ferr, Ign, Seneg ARNICA ANTIDOTES: Am c, Cic, Chinch, Ferr, Ipec.

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