how to take up fever cases of different origin

Respected Friends, Colleagues & Revered Seniors,

We are exposed to the climatic variations of remarkable extreme summers in Europe like in North America, London & Monsoon in India as well as our addiction, excesses in our lifestyle and suppressive medication, and busy tense life.

As a result, our susceptibility to succumb to some diseases arises according to the specific complex of causes.

Now we will try to elaborate further on the previous topic with the motto of not only alleviation of Fever but also to bring back the previous healthy state by dynamic dosing according to the law of similia.

We must take up challenges of undertaking Fever cases whenever asked as we are quite potent to apply our well proven medicines considering History, age, sex, justified exciting causes ( mental, physical, climatic, dietetic, personal ) maintaining causes, special characteristics, modalities even before any pathological diagnosis which may be necessary but not essential in the immediate choice of remedy which faculty supersede the efficacy of our medicines not only in simple FEVERS OF DIFFERENT ORIGIN ( viral, bacterial, parasitic, fungal, rheumatic ) but also in most difficult one like P. U. O., glandular fever, malignant fever etc.

So that we will proceed further by planning and programming our strategy to combat Fever with group remedy study, analysis & cross matching to a final ,& correct choice of remedy, potency, does & diet and regimen from our Pioneers as well as our own growing observations depending on the correct & judicious methodology as directed by our Great Master Samuel Hahnemann in His legendary Organon of Medicine, Chronic Diseases.

Now let’s prepare a short repertory judging the following key points from different authentic sources for ready reference to ensure correct choice. 1) History, 2) Causes – mental, physical, climatic, personal, dieteric, traumatic, exertion etc. 3) Nature of onset – slow, sudden, 4) Stages – 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd considering miasmatic disposition, recurrent similar symptoms complex. 5) Suppression – by Antibiotics, Quinine, steroids, ointment, paracetamol etc. 6) Types – Catarrhal, rheumatic, gastric, cerebral, remittent , bilious, malarial, intermittent, continued, Children, traumatic, congestive, old age, pathological, TUBERCULAR etc. 7) organ affected chronologically. Thirst, sweat, urine, stool, desire to cover or not in each stage. 9) Signs – pulse, tongue, skin, rash, facial expressions,heatnes & coldness in special part. 10) Lying position in relation to events, 11) special cravings, taste of mouth with appetite 12) Sensorium 13) delirium ,14) characteristics of discharges. sputum, nasal catarrh , leucorrhoea 15) evidence of decomposition from the beginning. Now we will try to synoptic study of some most commonly used monsoon medicines in first stage. 1) BRYONIA – Fever caused by getting wet in dry cold or dry hot weather, comes slowly with dryness of mucous membranes causing constipation without urging, profuse thirst at long interval, ameliorated by absolute rest & lying on painful side, thick yellow coated dry tongue, pulse hard, frequent and tense. Gastric, bilious, continued type. MERC SOL – Catarrhal Fever caused by changing, cloudy, cold damp weather, flabby moist tongue with profuse thirst, offensive salivation , sweat profuse not relieving the temperature with aversion to motion , aggravated at night and lying on right side. aggravated from both heat and cold. RHUS TOX – Fever, every type, remittent, continued, dengue,typhoid,typhus getting wet when overheated, wetting in rain with great restlessness with paretic effects ameliorated by changing positions, thirst profuse or small quantities frequently with red tip tongue, with evidence of decomposition. Cough aggravated at night, while putting hands out of bed , during chill with urticaria aggravated at open air, fever blisters. These are some synoptic presentation of our medicines which will never fulfill our aspirations where thorough study from authentic books already mentioned in previous post are essential for better applications. We may prepare a useful tool comprising all the variety of Fever with their unique totality, causes, characteristics, modalities, should be noted for ready reference. Today I like to conclude with two recent cases. Case No. 1) Dr. Mukherjee , my associate in our Charitable Dispensary contacted over phone that his son was successfully treated by Dulcamara – 30 for Catarrhal Fever one week back but fever relapsed again with restlessness, thirst for small quantities of water frequently , clean tongue, chilliness, aggravated at night,sneezing and anorexia, weakness on the first week of July responding quite satisfactorily by Arsenic Album 30/10 doses to be taken two hourly in water. The temperature was 100 to 102 degrees F. After remission of Fever one week past but he is still feeling week and lack of appetite , thirstless, desire for cold, obstinate but mild suggested to intake PHOSPHORIC ACID 30/ 10 doses / one dose b. d. which brought back to his healthy life. He is 14 years old, a student of class V111. Case No – 2) A cultivator , aged 41 years years , a case of Sulphur reported irregular temperature 99 to 100 degrees F. aggravated at night with anorexia, thirstless, cough with thick yellow sputum , aversion to cover responding quite satisfactory tow Pulsatilla 30/10 doses but after one week he developed fever again 100 degrees F. With chilliness , thirstlessness, bitter taste , desire to cover due wetting in rain and working in paddy field prescribed by Natrum Sulph -30/10 doses which relieved quite well but some Cough remains reported today. He instructed to take Sulphur 30/6 doses after four days from now . That’s all today. Have a nice season, positive thinking and experiences. Dr. Maity. BANKURA, West Bengal, India

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