study and application of pyrogenium

Today I like to share again an important article on ” Pyrogenium ” by Dr. Herbert A Roberts published in The Homoeopathic Recorder which is quite contributory having a unique efficacy in complicated COVID 19 Pneumonia with key characteristics along with other similar well proved medicines compared nicely.Let’s try to perceive the application, observations and…


STUDY AND APPLICATIONS OF MERCURY IN DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE. Respected Friends,Colleague and Seniors, We are committed to apply ourselves in every situation asked for our help in a more logical, scientific and effective prescription from our vast treasure of well proved medicines shown in many authentic books where preliminary study of synoptic key by Dr. C….

BRYONIA ALBA – an overview

Today I am sharing a photocopy of Bryonia Alba from Dr. Boger’s Synoptic Key to strengthen its logical applications considering the mode of onset, stage, state, and susceptibility of the patient. Our objective should be an analytical and comparative study of every medicine from different authentic books for better applications, outcomes, and experience. CATARRHAL- GASTRO…

CINCHONA – A gateway between crude drugging and dynamic dosing.

CINCHONA – A gateway between crude drugging and dynamic dosing. N.O. RUBIACEAE ( Ipecac, Coffea ) Today we will take up study of Cinchona , a strong medicinal plant having multiple alkaloids ( Quinine, Quinidine, Cinchonine, Cinchonidine, Quinamine, Quinic acid, Cincho – tannic acid, Quinovic acid ) and abused by crude drugging in different forms…